Feb 18, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The following pages contain descriptions of all the courses offered at Lee College. The four letter rubric for a course identifies the subject area, for example HIST is History. The courses are listed in alphabetical order based on this rubric. Important information is contained within each course description: Semester Credit Hours (SCH), title, prerequisites and corequisites, lecture/laboratory/practicum/other hourly breakdown, and other course specific requirements or information.

Course Numbering System

Lee College participates in the Texas Common Course Numbering System which designates equivalent course content among many public and some private colleges and universities in the state of Texas. Its purpose is to assist students in making a smooth transfer from one postsecondary institution to another. However, the fact that a course is not part of the numbering system does not necessarily mean that it will not transfer or meet degree requirements.

Each course has an individual alphanumeric code (such as ENGL 1302 ). The alphabetic part of the code indicates the subject area.

The first number (of the four digit numbers) generally indicates the rank of the course:

1 – Freshman level or Beginning.
2 – Sophomore level or Advanced.
The second number indicates the number of SCH.
The third and fourth numbers are assigned to each course with some designating a required sequence of completion. See prerequisites for required order.

Prerequisite and Corequisite

A prerequisite is a course that students are required to master before entering the described course. Students are expected to pass prerequisite courses with a C or better in order to enroll in the course. Some prerequisite courses (developmental courses) have placement score equivalences that allow students to demonstrate competency at the level expected by the prerequisite course. Prerequisites are an important feature of student preparation for success.

A corequisite course is taken simultaneously. The condition of corequisite enrollment requires completion of both courses. If for any reason a student is unable to complete the corequisite, the student will be withdrawn from the course as well. For this reason, it is best to enroll and complete corequisites in advance when possible, unless a program specifically calls for co-enrollment.

Developmental Courses

Students often require preparatory courses before enrolling in college level courses. At Lee College developmental courses are offered in English, Reading, and Mathematics.

All three subject areas have several levels of curriculum designed to provide students progression from current abilities to college readiness. Developmental courses do not transfer nor are they part of degree or certificate plans. Developmental course numbers begin with a zero and are displayed as a rubric followed by a three digit number (e.g., MATH 0310  is listed as MATH 310 ).


Ω Indicates courses taught with optional honors contracts.
Σ Indicates honors courses (see Enrollment Into Special Programs  for more information on the honors program).


Study Skills


Substance Abuse Counseling


TV Field Production


Technical Math


Vocational Nurse


Wireless Networking




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