Mar 31, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission, Registration, and Enrollment

General Admission

General Admission policy

Lee College is an open admission two-year lower-division undergraduate institution. All persons who have at least one of the qualifications listed below are welcome to enroll. Lee College does not discriminate on the basis of gender, disability, race, color, age, religion, national origin, or veteran status in its admission policies or practices.

  1. Persons with diplomas from accredited high schools.
  2. Persons with General Education Development (GED) certificates.
  3. Transfer students with college-level hours earned at other accredited colleges or universities.
  4. International students who meet college and state requirements.

Those who do not meet the qualifications listed above (including persons currently enrolled in accredited high schools) may apply for admission on an Individual Approval (IA) basis (see Individual Approval Admission, below).

Admission to the College does not imply admission to programs such as the Nursing or Honors Programs, which employ special admission requirements (see Enrollment into Special Programs, below). Lee College reserves the right to restrict or limit the enrollment of any instructional program.

The specific provisions and conditions under which students may enroll at Lee College are set forth below:

First-Time-In-College (FTIC) Freshmen

Students may enroll as FTIC freshmen if they have graduated from an accredited high school or earned a General Education Development (GED) certificate. In either case, prospective students must produce high school transcripts or GED certificates no later than the census date of their first semester (see Documents Needed for Admission to the College, below, and Texas Success Initiatives (TSI), below).

Transfer/Transient Students

Students who transfer to Lee College from other institutions must have official copies of their transcripts on file in the Office of Admissions and Records. Official Transcripts must be received prior to enrollment. In the event that extenuating circumstances exist, contact the Registrar.

Students who claim to be exempt from Texas Success Initiative (TSI) testing or claim to have met the TSI College Readiness standard in one or more areas, either because of scores earned on TSI approved tests or courses taken at other colleges or universities, must produce transcripts or other documentation no later than the Day of Record (see Texas Success Initiatives (TSI) Plan, below).

Transfer students occasionally enroll with the intent of applying the credits they earn at Lee College to degree plans at other schools. Transfer students with this intent may declare themselves Transient Students when they apply for admission. This will simplify the enrollment process, prevent their transcripts from being evaluated for Lee College programs, and may excuse them from some TSI requirements.

Students Enrolled in Accredited High Schools

Persons who are enrolled in accredited high schools and want to start college classes before high school graduation may apply for admission to the College under the Individual Approval (IA) admissions policies and, if admitted, may earn credits which can be applied toward Lee College degrees or transferred to other institutions (see Individual Approval Admission, below).

In addition, some school districts give high school credit to students who complete certain pre-approved college courses. The authority to grant high school credit for college courses resides in the school districts, not in the College. Therefore, students who wish to receive high school credit in addition to college credit for courses taken at the College must receive permission from their high school.

In general, students who are enrolled in high school and who wish to take college courses are subject to TSIA policies regarding testing and must satisfy the prerequisites for the courses.  The policies regarding persons who are enrolled in accredited high schools apply to students who take Lee College courses on their high school campuses for dual credit as well as those who take courses at Lee College sites for college credit only (course prerequisites are a part of the course descriptions included in Course Descriptions ).

Impact Early College High School Students should meet with their high school advisor to determine the number of college classes taken each semester and may earn up to 60 semester credit hours prior to their high school graduation. More information on the Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District’s Impact Early College High School can be found at

Students Enrolled in “Home Schooling”

Persons who have completed the equivalent of an approved high school curriculum through home schooling may apply for admission to the College under the Individual Approval (IA) admission policies (see Individual Approval Admission, below).

International Students

Applicants for admission to the College who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents seeking to study under a student visa must show that they have completed a course of study equivalent to that of an accredited U.S. high school. If the applicant completed high school outside the U.S., an approved evaluation of the high school transcript must be submitted (see item 5, below). In addition, they must meet the following requirements:

  1. All admission materials must be received at least 45 days before the first class day of a given semester.
  2. All applications must be accompanied by payment of a $50 non-refundable fee.
  3. Students must provide evidence of proficiency in the English language; students may satisfy this requirement by submitting results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Students need a minimum aggregate (TOEFL) score of 530 on the Paper-Based Test (PBT ), 197 on the Computer-Based Test (CBT ), or 71 on the Internet based version (IBT ). On the (IELTS), a score of 5.5 or higher is required.
  4. If the applicant has completed high school outside the U.S., an official evaluation from a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services-approved agency must be sent by the agency directly to Lee College. Original copies of transcripts submitted to the College by the student will not be returned to the student.
  5. Students wishing to transfer college-level work to Lee College from foreign institutions must have their transcripts evaluated by an evaluation service approved by the College. Credit for courses taken at foreign institutions will be awarded according to the policies outlined for transfer students.
  6. Students must provide proof of financial support. A bank statement showing funds on deposit to cover expenses for at least one year of studies (including tuition, fees, books, supplies, and living expenses as calculated by the College) as well as a letter pledging support from the sponsor (if the statement is not in the student’s name) are required. The Admissions Office will provide the dollar amount needed at time of admission appointment.

Individual Approval Admission

Individual Approval (IA) admission status is available to college applicants who have not graduated from accredited high schools, do not have GED certificates, and do not have transferable credits from institutions of higher education. The IA admission policies also provide for students who are (or were) home schooled.

The College’s IA admission policies are described below:

  1. Persons less than 18 years of age who have not graduated from an accredited high school, have no transferable credits from institutions of higher education, attended a non-accredited public or private high school, or were schooled in non-traditional settings:

    Prospective students who meet the criteria listed above and have not completed the equivalent of the junior year of high school may be admitted to the College.

    Prospective students who meet the criteria listed above and have completed the equivalent of the junior year of high school (16 high school units) will be admitted to the College.

    Students who enter the College under these provisions may be restricted to certain classes and/or sections and are advised to take no more than two college-level courses per semester.

    Prospective students who meet the criteria listed above, attended private high schools or were home schooled, and can demonstrate that they have completed a course of study equivalent to that of an accredited high school may be admitted.

    The decision to admit an applicant under these provisions may be based on written examinations approved by the College and/or the recommendation of the principal or superintendent of the last high school the applicant attended.

    Students who enter the College under these provisions may be restricted to certain classes and/or sections.
  2. Persons who are 18 years of age or older:

    Prospective students who meet IA criteria will be admitted and may enroll. Adult students who enter the College under the IA admission procedure are encouraged to consider obtaining a General Equivalency Diploma prior to study at Lee College. Students who enter the College under these provisions may also be restricted to certain courses and/or sections.

Enrollment for Personal Enrichment

Students who are not pursuing certificates or degrees and are not earning credits for transfer to other institutions may enroll at the college for “personal enrichment.” Students who do so may avoid some placement testing but are not eligible for state or federal aid (see Personal-Enrichment/Recreation & Fitness ).

Documents needed for Admission to the College

Application for Admission

To be admitted to Lee College, new students must complete an Application for Admission and provide the residency information cited below. Returning and former students who were not enrolled for one or more semesters/terms during the previous year must also update their Application for Admission and residency information. Applications for Admission may be submitted at

Establishing Residency Status

Under state law, students who move to the state solely for educational pursuits are not entitled to receive Texas residency tuition rates. Students who claim “Texas residency” must be prepared to show residence in the state for the immediate 12 months prior to the census date of the first term of enrollment. Accepted forms of documentation include records of gainful employment with a Texas address, deed to property in the state, registration to vote, and/or Texas vehicle registration documents. Other documents supporting a residency petition, including commercial apartment leases and utility billing documents, and driver’s licenses, may also be considered. Dependents of Texas residents may also need to present their parent’s tax returns. See the Admissions and Records Office for more information on residency classification. See also “Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid ”.

Official Transcripts

High school graduates who have not attended other colleges must provide an official (sealed) high school transcript (showing date of graduation). Transfer students must provide official transcripts from all colleges previously attended as well as an official (sealed) high school transcript. GEDs earned in Texas will be verified by Lee College; students who earned GEDs in other states must request that official GED transcripts be mailed to Lee College. Registration may be blocked until official transcripts are received, particularly for transfer students. Students must request and pay any fees to obtain these documents. Transcripts submitted to the College will not be returned to the student.

Immunization Requirements

The College reserves the right to request immunization records from all students and to place these records in the students’ files, should the State of Texas mandate such a requirement. The College website contains updates on these requirements.

The College is currently enforcing a meningitis vaccine requirement (required by state law). Restricted programs of the college (such as nursing) may also have additional immunization requirements.

At the time this catalog was printed, the meningitis vaccination requirement affects most students under age 22, but there are some exceptions, and there are exemption options. Students are directed to the Admissions page of the Lee College website,, for information. Students can also contact the Admissions office at 281.425.6393 with questions.

Registering For Credit

Steps to register:

  • Complete the application process online at
  • Determine the need for testing.
  • If required, make an appointment to complete testing in the Testing Center.
  • First-time-in-college (FTIC) students must meet with a counselor or advisor to discuss their degree plan, course options, and review test results. After this meeting, the counselor/advisor will register the student for the New Student Orientation. At orientation, new students will have the opportunity to complete their registration. All first-time-in-college students must complete New Student Orientation before registration. This includes students who have completed high school dual credit classes. For more information about the FTIC process, please contact our Information Center at 281.427.5611
  • Once registered, payment deadlines must be met either in full, an approved payment plan, or approved financial aid awards.
  • Any holds for documents or information needed to complete an admission file or for any funds or items owed to the College must be cleared prior to registration.

Adding classes:

Students can add additional classes after initial registration during the registration period. After classes start, registration is limited to schedule changes (add/drops) for those already registered. See limits on class load, Student Life Opportunities, Services, and Policies .

Dropping classes:

Students are responsible for dropping classes. State- mandated refund policies, as well as drop deadline appear in schedules, and on the college website.

Special Registration

Special registrations are noted in class schedules. Special times and locations are available to industrial contract students. For additional information, contact the Office of Industrial Liaison 281.425.6460 or 281.425.6478

Online Registration

Returning students and new transfers who have established their testing status may register online during valid registration periods at (via the student portal named “myLC Campus”). New students who have completed orientation may also register online. The class schedules contain additional information regarding the registration process and applicable dates.

Course Prerequisites

All courses have prerequisites, which may include a reading, writing, or math level or a specific course. Students are advised to take courses in recommended sequences. (See Course Descriptions  listed in this catalog for course prerequisites in Course Descriptions .)

Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

Each public institution of higher education in Texas is required to assess basic skills of admitted degree seeking students in three components: reading, writing, and mathematics. Developmental courses and support are available to those students who test below college level.

  • All first time in college students entering Lee College, unless exempt, must have assessment scores in all components from an approved test to determine readiness to meet course prerequisites and/or to enroll in college-level academic coursework.
  • A student who has a deficiency in one or more areas will be given an individualized plan that lists the developmental coursework that is required for that student to become college ready.
  • Students have completed the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) in each component if they have completed the developmental sequence of courses in reading, writing, and math, or have elected to retake and have passed TSIA.
  • Enrollment in and completion of development coursework is mandatory and continuous until the student has completed the required level of developmental coursework to complete the degree plan chosen.
  • Once developmental coursework is completed, students are required to enroll in the degree specific college level English and Mathematics courses the subsequent 16 week semester.

TSI Assessment

Starting on the first day of the fall 2013 semester, all public colleges and universities in Texas changed to a new assessment to measure college readiness for Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) purposes. Affecting only students enrolling in sessions after this date the new TSIA replaces previously approved tests which include Accuplacer, THEA, Compass, and Asset.

Who needs to take the TSIA?

Students who test as college ready will be allowed to enter entry level college coursework. All Texas public colleges and universities must abide by the passing scores as set by the state. Information on cut scores and college ready standards are found in the Counseling Center.

Exemptions are outlined below and includes exemptions based on ACT or SAT scores, Veteran status, and the completion of a degree. Students who are exempt based on these standards will be deemed college ready and eligible for entry level coursework. For information on the TSIA, cut scores, and other information related to testing, contact the Counseling Center.


A student may be exempt from the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative based on state approved exemptions.

The following students are exempt from the provisions of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment:

  • Students are exempt who have met the qualifying standards on the ACT or SAT as follows:
    • ACT - composite score of 23 or higher with a mini- mum of 19 on the English and mathematics test. Partial exemption (either reading/writing or math) is granted with a composite score of 23 and a minimum of 19 on either the English test or mathematics test. The score is good for 5 years from the date of the test.
  • In May, 2016, the SAT was revised with a new scoring system and new benchmarks established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board:
    • SAT  (previous standards) - results on critical reading and math scores added together which equal or exceed 1070 (with a minimum of 500 on each test). Partial exemption is granted for writing/reading or math with a combined score of 1070 and a minimum of 500 on either critical reading or math. Scores are good for 5 years from the date of the test.
    • SAT (new standards) - Evidence-based Reading and Writing of 480 or higher and a Math score of 530 or higher.
  • Students who have graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree.
  • A student who is non-degree seeking or non-certificate seeking (see Non-Degree Seeking Students, below).
  • A student who is on active duty serving as a member in the United States armed forces, National Guard, or as a member of the reserve component of the armed forces of the US and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.
  • A student who on or after August 1, 1990 was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the US or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.
  • A student who is enrolled in a certificate program (level-one, 42 or fewer semester credit hours or the equivalent).

Transfer Students

A student who transfers college-level courses from a regionally accredited private or public institution may use transferred courses that are equivalent to the following to demonstrate college readiness in the given area. Students must have earned a “C” or better in a course for exemption in each respective area.

“C” Rule Courses:

Writing: ENGL 1301  (English Composition I)
  ENGL 1302   (English Composition II)
Reading: ENGL 1301   (English Composition I)
  ENGL 1302   (English Composition II)
  ENGL 1301 , ENGL 1302  (U.S. History)
  ENGL 2322 , ENGL 2323  (British Literature)
  ENGL 2326 , ENGL 2328  (American Literature)
  PSYC 2301  (General Psychology)
  GOVT 2305 , GOVT 2306  (State, Local, and U.S. Government)
  SOCI 1301  (Introduction to Sociology)
Mathematics: MATH 1332  (Contemporary Mathematics I)
  MATH 1314  (College Algebra)
  MATH 1342  (Elementary Statistics)
  Any advanced mathematics course for which the above are prerequisites

Students who have completed the highest level of developmental coursework from a Texas public institution of higher education in reading and writing or math will also be considered college ready. Any student transferring to Lee College from another Texas public institution of higher education, who is noted on the incoming transcript as “complete” or “satisfied” for all or part of TSIA will continue in that status at Lee College.

Transfer students who cannot satisfy all or any part of TSIA through prior coursework must be tested prior to enrollment, just as with first time in college students.

Learning Strategies/Learning Pathways Course Requirement Based on Placement Scores

TSI responsible students who are first-time in college and place into developmental coursework must take either LSSS 300 - Learning Strategies for Success , or EDUC 1200 - Learning Frameworks , as noted below.

LSSS 300 -Student tests into developmental coursework in reading and/or writing.
EDUC 1200 -Student tests into developmental coursework in math only.

Students failing to successfully complete the course will be required to re-enroll in LSSS 300  or EDUC 1200  each semester until the course is successfully completed. Students who begin their Lee College enrollment in a summer semester will be given the option to delay the LSSS 300  or EDUC 1200  classes until the fall semester.

Registering for Non-Credit (NC)

While students are urged to register for credit, they may elect to audit a course for non-credit. Students choosing to register in this manner pay full tuition and fees, are not expected to take examinations, and receive a grade of NC for the course. The grade “NC” has no grade point value and cannot be changed at a later date.

Students who wish to register for non-credit may not do so before the first meeting of the class or classes which they wish to audit. Audit enrollment may not be allowed in certain classes. To register for non-credit, students must obtain a non-credit registration form from the Admissions and Records Office and return it to that office with the instructor’s signature.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Casual Students - A student who, upon enrollment, is not seeking a degree or certificate and will not be required to take a test for TSI purposes if he/she enrolls in specific enrichment courses. The college maintains a list of “personal enrichment” courses that require no prerequisite (testing or course). These students will be exempt from the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative only while enrolled in these courses.

Transient Students - A student who is enrolled in a private or out-of-state institution of higher education and is attending Lee College on a temporary basis is not required to take a test for TSIA purposes if he/she meets the prerequisites and/or placement requirements for the course to be taken. Transient status is only applicable for one long term or the two summer sessions. A student may not remain transient in a subsequent term to the initial term in this status.


Students who have not completed the Texas Success Initiative are encouraged to see their assigned advisor each semester prior to registration. The developmental education counselor will monitor their progress toward completing required developmental coursework and will assist with course scheduling.

Students with Disabilities

A student who has a documented disability must contact the Counselor for Students with Disabilities prior to testing to make arrangements for any necessary accommodations on the TSIA. Documentation of the disability is required.

Credit by Examination and Placement into Advanced Classes

Opportunities to Earn Credit for Prior Learning Including Credit by Examinations

To recognize and award credit for prior learning, Lee College may approve a variety of alternatives to traditional credit by exam, including portfolio development and alternative forms of assessment. See the Academic or Technical Dean for details regarding these opportunities.  For credit by exam approval, students should contact the department chair responsible for the subject area for which the exam would cover.  Other credit for prior learning must be approved by a Dean.

Examination Availability

Lee College awards credit specific credit by exams as outlined below. The table on the following pages provides more details.

Credit for Advanced Placement (AP)

High School Students may take Advanced Placement (AP) examinations at area high schools after they complete the appropriate courses. Scores will be accepted up to five years after the test was taken. Refer to the table at the end of this section for accepted tests.

Credit for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Credential

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program is a two-year curriculum for high school juniors and seniors offered at select high schools. In Compliance with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regulations, the College awards 24 semester hours or equivalent course credit in appropriate subject areas to those students who have completed the IB diploma program and who have achieved the minimum required score on each examination administered as part of the program.

CLEP and DSST Exams

Lee College accepts credit from the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the Dantes Subject Standardized Test (DSST). Both offer standardized tests that measure a person’s knowledge of the material covered in introductory college courses. Students who score the established minimum score can receive college credit for the specific test area. More information on the CLEP exam can be found at their website: More information on the DSST exam can be found on their website,

Departmental Exams

Departmental examinations are established by the departments within Lee College and are available for specific classes as outlined in the table on the following pages. Students may obtain the application form for these examinations from the Admissions and Records Office and schedule the examinations through the appropriate department. The fee for departmental examinations must be paid in advance. A list of available examinations is found on the chart on the following pages.

Credit Limitations

  1. Students may receive a maximum of 30 SCH through credit by examination. Other restrictions apply to the posting of AP credits, the application of transfer credits to degree plans, and eligibility to graduate with honors (see Awarding Credits below, General Graduation Requirements, and Graduation with Honors, below).
  2. Students must meet course prerequisites to take examinations. Examinations may not be taken for courses in which students are currently registered or for courses in which students have received grades, including grades of “I,”“W,” and “F” Examinations may not be taken for any course for which the examination is a course prerequisite or for courses in which a student is currently enrolled or has already received credit. Prerequisites are found under “Course Descriptions ”.
  3. A year must lapse between attempts to receive credit for the same course by examination. Also, students may not attempt an examination more than twice for the same course.

Awarding Credits

To receive credit (i.e., Semester Credit Hours or SCH), students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Generally, students must be enrolled in Lee College at the time credit is awarded. However, with the approval of the Registrar and the Instructional Deans or Vice President of Instruction, former Lee College students may be awarded credit by examination. Former students who wish to receive credit by examination must meet all other requirements regarding the awarding of these credits.
  2. Before credit will be posted on student transcripts, official copies of AP and CLEP scores must be sent directly to and received by Lee College, Office of Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 818, Baytown, TX 77522-0818.
  3. Credit by examination through departmental examinations, AP or CLEP will be recorded on students’ transcripts with grades of “P” and, as a consequence, will not be a part of the calculation of their cumulative GPAs. The cost for taking a departmental examination is $10 per credit hour.
  4. The credit students receive by examination does not apply toward either their earned or attempted hours for purposes of determining full-time status.
  5. A maximum of 15 SCHs may be awarded to students pursuing an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Professional Administrative Technology who have successfully passed all parts of the Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) or Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Examination. Students who wish to receive this credit must submit an application to the lead instructor of the Professional Administrative Technology Program or to the Chair of the Business Technology Division. If granted, the credits apply to ACNT 1303 , POFT 1309 , POFT 1349 , POFT 2312 , and POFT 2331 . Students will be charged a fee of $10 per credit hour when the credit is posted to their transcripts.


(subject to change)


Enrollment Into Special Programs

Allied Health and Nursing Student Admission

Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program and the Vocational Nursing Program is by application and is based on each candidate’s personal and academic records. The application processes for these programs are explained in Degrees and Certificates , Nursing. Contact the Nursing Office for the most recent admission requirements.

No application will be accepted without documentation of required immunizations.

Students in institutions of higher education enrolled in health-related courses (nursing), which involve direct patient contact, must meet the following immunization requirements.

  1. One dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria toxoid Acellular/Pertussis (Tdap) within the past 10 years.
  2. Students who were born on or after January 1, 1957 must show acceptable evidence of vaccination of two doses of measles containing vaccine administered since January 1, 1968.
  3. Students must show, acceptable evidence of vaccination of one dose of rubella vaccine.
  4. Students born on or after January 1, 1957 must show acceptable evidence of vaccination of one dose of mumps vaccine.
  5. Acceptable documentation of varicella (chicken pox) vaccination is serologic testing for the presence of varicella antibodies or acceptable evidence of vaccination of two does of varicella vaccine.
  6. Students must receive a series of 3 Hepatitis B vaccines or show serologic confirmation of immunity to Hepatitis B virus.

Note: The Texas Department of Health and CDC defines “acceptable evidence” as official documentation from a health care provider of serologic confirmation (a blood test) or serologic evidence of infection (actually having the three diseases). Self-report or confirmation from parents or other persons will not be accepted.

Note: Uninsured and underinsured adults (age 19 and older) may now get some of their state health services mandated vaccines at state-affiliated health departments for an administrative fee. Check the website:

A physical examination, inclusive of laboratory work (CBC, RPR, U/A), is required in the Nursing Programs and Health and Medical Administrative Services Programs. Physicals are valid for 2 years unless the student has major illness, surgery, or pregnancy.

Students in the Nursing Programs must submit clinic or physician validated results of tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux) administered within three months of beginning the first clinical rotation and yearly thereafter. A student’s TB test cannot expire during clinical rotation. Updates will be required before the semester begins.

A current CPR card for the Professional Rescuer or Healthcare Provider is required prior to clinical for nursing students and must be renewed as required thereafter. A student’s CPR certification cannot expire during clinical rotation. Updates will be required before the semester begins.

Students who have been admitted to the ADN and VN Nursing Programs should consult the Nursing Office prior to registration. Students will not be allowed to attend clinical until proof of current immunizations, physical examination, paperwork, and CPR cards are provided.

Titer results indicating immunity for Rubeola, Rubella, Mumps and Varicella are required upon invitation into the nursing program. Results must state immune or a scale must be provided to read the numeric result. A result of POS or positive will not be accepted unless a notation of “Positive Equal Immune” is included. Documentation of current flu immunization is also required between September 1st and September 15th of each year.

Criminal background screenings will be obtained before the student can register for classes.

Drug tests must be passed before the student is eligible to begin the program.

Students must submit Texas Board of Nursing Clearance in the form of BON Blue Card or BON Declaratory Order Outcome letter to be eligible to enter nursing programs.

In addition, students must meet hospital contract requirements to attend clinicals. Hospital contract requirements include proof of Social Security number; current Texas Drivers’ License; personal health insurance; and disease titers, drug testing, and/or clean background history.

The Honors Program

The Honors Program is designed to provide students with an enriched intellectual experience, the opportunity to explore subject areas in depth, more individual attention from instructors. New courses or components within existing courses may be added in the future.

Students successfully mastering a minimum of 15 hours in Honors with a grade of “B” or better in each honors class or honors course by contract and who attain a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 will have completed the Lee College Honors Program. Students who have completed the program will receive a medallion and a certificate.

General Honors Scholarships and American Studies Honors Scholarships are available through the Lee College Foundation. Please contact the Honors Office or the Financial Aid Office for details.

Honors Guidelines

Students who wish to enroll in the Honors Program must have completed the TSIA or other approved test and must be considered College Ready in reading and writing. Students may be admitted into the program on a conditional basis with approval of the Honors Program Coordinator and recommendation(s) from previous instructor(s). Students who wish to pursue an Honors contract must also have the approval of the course instructor.

In addition to the above, students desiring to enroll in Honors must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Minimum ACT score of 26.
  2. SAT scores of 1100 and above (verbal score of >500).
  3. Nine or more hours of college level work with a GPA of 3.5 or better.
  4. Top 10% of the high school class rank.
  5. Interview with and approval of the Honors instructor teaching course and recommendation(s) from previous instructor(s).

Honors Courses

Honors courses will be designated with the letter “H” in their section numbers in the Lee College Schedule. Please contact a counselor or the Honors Program Coordinator for permission to register.

American Studies is an interdisciplinary team-taught approach to the study of American History and American Literature. The courses provide insight into the American dream, individuals and groups and their relationships to American society, and America’s relationship to the world. Students may enroll in the six-hour block of courses during the fall and spring semesters.

Fall courses include American Literature to 1860 (ENGL 2327 ) and History of the United States to 1877 (HIST 1301 ). Spring courses include American Literature: 1860 to the Present (ENGL 2328 ) and History of the United States Since 1877 (HIST 1301 ).

The Human Condition: Interdisciplinary Humanities and English Composition (HUMA 1301  or HUMA 1302  and ENGL 1301  or ENGL 1302 ) offers students the opportunity to become accomplished writers and critical thinkers through reading, analysis, and discussion of major ideas and concepts of philosophy, religion, literature, art history, and politics as revealed in writing of classical and contemporary humanists.

History and Development of Motion Pictures, DRAM 2366  a survey of the history and development of motion pictures with emphasis on analysis and understanding of significant movements and schools of filmmaking, critical approaches, sociological impact, and visual aesthetics of motion pictures.

Principles of Public Speaking (SPCH 1315 ) will include the research, preparation, and delivery of various types of speeches. The aesthetics of oratory will be examined through personal experience, as well as focused observation and analysis of American political rhetoric, both historic and current. Particular attention will be paid in alternating two year cycles to the Presidential and Texas Gubernatorial election seasons.

Federal Government (GOVT 2305 ) is a course that explores fundamental issues in American democracy. The class will explore American political culture, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, institutions of government, and political behavior.

Courses with Optional Honors Contracts

In addition to honors courses, students may also fulfill honors requirements through honors contracts in selected courses. Contact the Honors Office or the instructors for individual contract requirements.


Policies Regarding Credit, Grades, and Student Records

The Semester Credit Hour (SCH)

The unit of measure generally used in counting college credit is the Semester Credit Hour, or SCH. It represents the work done by a class which meets one hour a week for one semester (16-weeks). Classes which have a credit value of three SCH meet for three hours each week, or the equivalent over a shorter session. In shorter terms (summer terms, for example) three SCH courses usually meet more times per week and/or for longer periods of time.

Freshmen are defined as students who have successfully completed fewer than thirty (30) SCH of college level coursework at the beginning of a registration period. Sophomores are defined as having successfully completed thirty (30) or more SCHs.

Grades and Grade Points

Grades awarded in credit classes at Lee College, their grade point value, and their meanings are set forth below. Also, see “Grades for Repeated Courses,” and “Developmental Courses ”.

Grade Points/SCH Interpretations
A 4 Excellent
B 3 Good
C 2 Average or Fair
D 1 Poor (barely passing)
F 0 Failure
U 0 Unsatisfactory
S   Satisfactory
P   Passing
I   Incomplete
NC   Non-Credit
W1   Student Initiated Drop*
W2   Instructor Initiated Drop*
    (Drop during drop period)
W3   Administrative Withdrawal
W4   Student Withdrawal
W5   Withdrawal (lapsed incomplete)*

*See drop explanations, below

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPAs) are determined by dividing each student’s total number of grade points by their total number of SCHs attempted. Grade points are determined by the grade awarded in a course and the value of that grade in terms of Grade Points and the number of Semester Credit Hours (SCH) associated with the course. The example demonstrates how the GPA is calculated. Grade Points are not awarded in developmental courses (e.g., MATH 310  and ENRD 402 ) and grades earned in these courses (whether letter grades or number grades) are not included in the computation of GPAs.

Transfer hours will be used to determine the number of hours attempted but will not be included in the computation of students’ cumulative GPAs.

Course Grade SCHs x GPs = GPA
BIOL 1406   B 4 x 3 = 12
ENGL 1302   A 3 x 4 = 12
KINE 1101   A 1 x 4 = 4
ENRD 401   0 0 x 0 = 0
HIST 1301   Withdrawal W x 0 = 0
Totals   8 28 GPA = 28/8=3.5

Grades for Repeated Courses

When a student repeats a course, the total attempted SCH remains unchanged and the grade earned in the most recent attempt is used in the computation of the GPA. The original grade will remain on the student’s permanent record. Students who withdraw from a course during a repeat attempt do not lose the original grade or credit from the first prior attempt.

Evaluation of Transfer Credit

Credit for college level work completed at regionally accredited institutions listed in the Higher Education Directory will be awarded according to the following conditions:

  1. The Office of Admissions and Records determines the total number of SCH that students may transfer to Lee College from other institutions. Official transcripts will not be returned to students.
  2. Credit for courses equivalent to those listed in the catalog will be given for credit earned at regionally accredited institutions of higher education.
  3. A minimum of 25 percent of total coursework required by the student’s degree program or 50 percent of the coursework required by the student’s certificate of completion program must be taken in residence at Lee College for the student to become eligible to receive a certificate of completion or an associate degree from Lee College. Transfer students should consult with a counselor regarding their transfer hours and degree programs. In addition, 25 percent of the student’s major field of study semester credit hours must be taken in residence at Lee College.
  4. Students may enroll for as many as 18 SCH (semester credit hours) each long semester or 7 SCH each summer session without special permission. Because of state laws, students may enroll in a maximum of 3 SCH during a holiday or mini session.
    Students who wish to enroll for more than 18 SCH during the long semester or more than 7 SCH each summer session must have approval of an instructional official. These credit hours include simultaneous enrollment at other institutions for a part or all of a term. If the simultaneous enrollment includes online learning classes, proctored exams must be taken in the Lee College Counseling Center unless another location and proctor are approved in advance by the Instructional Deans or Vice President of Learning. External credits resulting in overloads may not be applied to a student’s degree plan if the overload was not pre-approved.
  5. Students may be required to obtain official course descriptions from colleges previously attended before transfer credit can be awarded.
  6. Courses in which students earned grades of “D,”“F,” and “incomplete” will not be accepted as transfer credit by Lee College. Religion classes are generally not transferable.
  7. Grade points earned at other institutions are not transferred to Lee College. All Lee College students’ cumulative grade point averages which are based solely on grades earned at the College are used to determine their eligibility to graduate and their eligibility to receive honors at graduation.
  8. Kinesiology credit may be granted to students who have served at least one year of active duty in the military. Required documentation includes the student’s DD214 (see Awarding Credits, above).
  9. Credit will be evaluated for military training based upon the evaluation recommendations outlined in the American Council on Education Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences.
  10.  For information regarding credit by examination (for example, CLEP, AP, and departmental examinations), see the section regarding Credit by Examination and Placement into Advanced Classes, above.
  11. The college has a process to consider coursework not completed at regionally-accredited institutions as well as clock-hour training. See the office of Admissions and Records for more information.

Academic Fresh Start

Under state law, students may petition their college or university to have all records of courses attempted 10 or more years earlier disregarded in the determination of their cumulative GPAs. The policy is designed to give students who had “false starts” as undergraduates a better chance of entering graduate and/or professional schools. Invoking the policy will not affect a student’s TSIA status. Students requesting a Fresh Start should be aware that this action does not remove any grades from the student’s transcript.

Students who wish to invoke this policy must indicate their desire to do so by completing an Academic Fresh Start request in the Office of Admissions and Records. The Registrar must sign this form confirming that the student is eligible for Fresh Start. The policy has some restrictions and it may only be invoked one time per student. Therefore, students are urged to meet with a counselor prior to initiating requests.

Academic Warning and Probation

A student’s academic status is determined by the Grade Point Average (GPA) accumulated at Lee College.  GPA determines a student’s eligibility for continuous enrollment.  Individual students are responsible for their GPA, defining their academic status.  At the beginning of each fall and spring term, academic status will be re-evaluated based on the student’s previous semester success.

Academic Warning:  Student did not maintain a 2.0 GPA within a given semester, but has a 2.0 or above cumulative GPA.

  • Hold placed on account preventing registration
  • Complete a mandatory online resource workshop for hold removal

Academic Probation:  Student did not maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher.

  • Hold placed on account preventing registration - to be released once cumulative GPA of 2.0 is achieved
  • Limit enrollment to 1-2 courses that semester
  • Grade replacement course selection may be required
  • Mandatory visit with assigned Advisor/Counselor to discuss an action plan and to register for upcoming semester
  • The last week for mandatory Advisor/Counselor visit appointments is two weeks prior to the semester start.  Any time after will result in flex-start courses or a semester break.

Academic Suspension:  Student did not maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher while on Academic Probation. 

  • Must sit out for one (1) long semester, to include summer (includes 10 week, 5 week, and mini terms)
  • Continued hold placement on account preventing registration - to be released once cumulative GPA of 2.0 is achieved
  • Grade placement course selection may be required
  • Limit enrollment to 1-2 courses that semester
  • Mandatory meeting with assigned Advisor/Counselor, upon return from required semester sit out, to discuss an action plan and to register for upcoming semester
  • The last week for mandatory Advisor/Counselor visit appointments is two weeks prior to the semester start.  Any time after will result in flex-start courses or a semester break

Academic Dismissal:  Student did not maintain a 2.0 semester GPA first semester returning from Academic Suspension.

  • Must sit out for one (1) calendar year
  • Continued hold placement on account preventing registration - to be released once cumulative GPA of 2.0 is achieved
  • Upon return after one (1) calendar  year, students must:  1) meet with the Vice President of Learning and/or respective dean for readmission 2) Consult with the assigned Advisor/Counselor for re-development of an action plan, discussion of the 1-2 course needed to replace previously unsuccessful courses, and register for classes
  • Remains on Academic Probation status until GPA improves
  • May continue to enroll with continued progression towards a cumulative 2.0 GPA


Grade Reports

Grade reports are available to students online via students’ myLC account shortly after the end of each semester or session. A password is required; students can obtain this information online or from the Admissions Office. Students who do not have access to the Internet can request a grade report or transcript by contacting the Admissions Office.

Transcripts may not be released by the College if any of the following conditions exist:

  1. Unpaid tuition and fees.
  2. Unpaid student loan.
  3. Unpaid library fine.
  4. Unpaid parking fine.
  5. Returned check.
  6. Unpaid nursing insurance.
  7. Problem with financial aid.
  8. Transcripts not received.
  9. Proof of Texas residence not received.
  10. Immunization records of students taking clinical courses through the Allied Health Department not received.
  11. College-owned musical instruments or equipment not returned.
  12. Hospital Student Nurse badge not returned to Nursing Department.

Class Attendance

Students who have been absent from class for three hours or three sessions may be dropped by the instructor for nonattendance. Instructors may, however, develop individual policies regarding absences (see Absences, Student Life Opportunities, Services, and Policies , for additional policies).

Posting Grades

Lee College policy prevents instructors from publicly posting students’ grades by their names, initials, social security numbers, or other information that might allow any person to link a grade to a particular student.


A grade of “I” indicates incomplete work resulting from illness or other unavoidable circumstances. To be eligible to receive an “I” students must have completed at least 75 percent of the work required for the course in question during the original term of enrollment. To receive an “I,” a student must enter into a contract with the instructor of the course regarding the work that is to be completed and the grade the student will receive in the event that the work is not completed. The remaining work must be completed within one semester unless extenuating circumstances require a longer period for completion. Instructors have the right to submit any grade at any time to replace an “I” grade, with a grade of “F.”

Students who receive “I” grades should not re-enroll for the class unless they are terminating the incomplete agreement and wish to start over with a new section of the class. In this case, the student is urged to contact the original instructor to request release from the incomplete agreement.

After the next long semester has lapsed, if the “I” grade has not been changed to another grade by the instructor, the “I” grade will be replaced with an “F”.

Considerations When Dropping Courses

Legislative actions currently in affect can add additional charges for repeated courses and may limit the number of courses the student can drop at any Texas public institution of higher education.

Surcharges for Certain Repeated Classes

Lee College applies a tuition surcharge when students repeat a class for the third or greater time (since Fall 2002). This action was taken because the state legislation eliminated the funding match the College previously received for these enrollments.

The surcharge is assessed at the non-resident tuition rate in addition to the regular tuition rate based on the student’s residency.

Students are strongly encouraged to keep the surcharge in mind when considering whether to drop a required course. If the drop will result in a grade of “W,” the course will be counted as an attempt. Students should see a counselor or the registrar if they have questions.

Six Drop Policy

The Texas Legislature passed a law designed to limit the total number of course drops to six for undergraduate students at state public institutions of higher education. This legislation affects only students entering any Texas public college Fall 2007 or later. Students who have attended any college prior to Fall 2007 are generally not affected.

Lee College is responsible for tracking and possibly denying drop requests of students affected by the law. Affected students may be asked to give a reason when making a drop request. Drops may be reviewed for compliance with this law. An appeal process will be available for students. The law also requires Lee College to report unexcused drops on an affected student’s transcript. Updates on the College’s six drop policy will be published on the Lee College website and will be available at the Counseling Center.

Drops During Drop Period

During the first 75% of any class term (specifically the end of the 12th week of a 16 week session, 7th week of a 10 week session, 6th week of an 8 week session, or 3rd week of a 5 week session),students may drop any class(es) for any reason. These deadlines are printed in the college calendar found in schedules or can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office. Students are urged, but not required, to notify their instructors when they drop classes.

Instructors may drop students during any point in the semester prior to finals if student fails to attend class on a regular basis or if they fail to meet other requirements.

Drops during the drop period result in a grade of W1.

See specific section syllabi for instructor rules and regulations. Once final exam week begins, students will earn a grade.

Approved instructor initiated drops, after the 75% drop period result in a grade of W2.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students who violate college policies, including TSI policies and the policies outlined in this catalog, may be withdrawn from the College. Students who are withdrawn for policy violation will receive grades of “W3.” There is no grade point value for a “W3.”

Resignation (Complete Withdrawal)

Students may resign from all of their classes in any semester prior to finals week.  These students are required to sign a statement indicating they understand impacts of the resignation and are encouraged to visit with an advisor if they have concerns.  When graded, a resignation results in a grades of W4.

Non-Credit (Audit) Grade

Auditing students will receive grades of “NC.” For more on audit status, see above.

Developmental Courses Policy Regarding Grades and Student Records

Lee College offers sequences of developmental courses in reading, mathematics, writing, and a college study skills course. Developmental courses, all of which have three digit course numbers, do not apply toward Lee College degrees or certificates and are not transferable to other colleges or universities.

Effective Fall 2012, students who attempt developmental courses will receive grades of A, B, C, D, or F. The meanings of these grades are as follows:

Grades Interpretations
A Excellent Work*
B Good work*
C Average work*

*Student moves on the next level of developmental math, reading, or writing class or exits the developmental sequence in MATH 330 , or ENRD 402 .

S Satisfactory*
D Not Passing - student must repeat course
F Failure - student must repeat course
U Unsatisfactory - student must repeat course

Students in developmental math or reading/writing may also exit the developmental sequence by re-taking and passing TSIA in the subject area.

Incompletes (noted by the grade “I”) are not issued in developmental courses. College credit is not awarded for the completion of developmental courses and grades in developmental courses are not included in the computation of grade point averages. The hours attempted in developmental courses are considered a part of students’ course loads and are used to determine their full-time/part-time status and their eligibility to receive scholarships and/or financial aid. Grades received in developmental courses are recorded on students’ transcripts.

Grade Change Policy

A student who wishes to protest a grade follows the guidelines for academic grievance, which starts by contacting the instructor within 30 instructional days of the incident. Students are responsible for viewing the grades recorded at the end of each term; grades are not mailed. In the event that the original instructor is not available to review a grade, the student should contact the Division Chair.

An instructor may make a change to end of course grades (A, B, C, D, F, S, U, I) recorded within the previous 12 months, for any reason.  The instructor will complete a grade change request online and a correction to the student’s record will be made.

Grade changes (A, B, C, D, F, S, U, I) for classes which ended more than one year prior to the change date shall be approved by both the instructor or, in event the instructor is unavailable, the Division Chair, as well as the appropriate Instructional Dean or the Vice President of Instruction.


Once a student completes at least one credit course at Lee College, an official college transcript may be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office. Students may request the transcript online at

Official credit transcripts consist of the following: identification of the student, TSI status and method of satisfying TSI components (math, reading, and writing), record of courses taken and course test credit during all semesters where graded classes were recorded, cumulative statistics including credit hours attempted, earned, and related grade points, along with GPA, as well as degrees or certificates and core curriculum completions earned by the student at Lee College. Certain honors and awards are only listed on the paper transcript; by default, Lee College will disseminate an electronic transcript when requests are made to send transcripts to those colleges capable of receiving EDI electronic transcripts.

Definition of Students’ Records

The Office of Admissions and Records retains in each student’s permanent file the following student records: application for admission, high school and/or college transcripts, and proof of residence. Other records retained include: copies of degree audits, registration documentation, vaccination records, and official test score reports.

Articulation Agreements


Articulation agreements have been made with several four year universities. Students should contact their assigned advisor for details.

High Schools

Articulation agreements have been developed with service area high schools for technical courses. Students who have graduated from high school within the past three years should check with their high school counselor or Lee College counselor regarding the possibility of receiving Lee College credit for articulated high school classes. Students must enroll at Lee College to receive college credit for coursework taken in high school. Students must complete an equal number of credits in residence at Lee College before the articulated hours can be posted to a student transcript. Please refer to the fee schedule for the current articulation fee.


Graduation Requirements - Associate Degrees

Students in Associate Degree programs must complete the minimum number of semester hours of college credit required for the degree with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.  At least twenty- five percent of the required semester hours of college credit must be earned at Lee College.  Students are encouraged to apply for graduation online in the Admissions and Records portion of the Lee College website.  Students who meet qualifications for graduation but do not apply will be awarded the credential upon successful completion of the program requirements. 

Information regarding eligibility to graduate with honors is set forth in the section titled “Graduation with Honors” (on this page). Graduates who meet certain requirements are guaranteed that their job skills will be current (see Guarantee of Job Competency Program ).

Course Waivers and Substitutions for Graduation

Division Chairs and the Instructional Deans or Vice President of Learning may, in certain circumstances, approve course substitutions or waive courses listed in degree plans.  Course substitutions must be of similar content and difficulty.  Students who have requested substitutions should ensure that these have been received by the Admissions and Records Office and are reflected on the student’s Advisement Report in the myLC campus account.  Substitution requests are available online on the Admissions and Records portion of the Lee College website.


Lee College holds commencement ceremonies in May and December. Persons who complete the requirements for certifications and/or associate degrees during Summer and Fall terms are encouraged to participate in the December ceremony. Spring candidates are encouraged to participate in the May ceremony. The approved cap and gown may be purchased in the bookstore.

Generally, commencement is a celebration reserved for students who have completed all of the requirements for certificates and degrees. However, students in associate degree programs who are very close to the completion of their program may petition for permission to participate in a commencement ceremony as “future graduates.” To be eligible to participate, future graduates must (1) be within 3-9 SCHs of completion of the requirements for an associate degree, and (2) have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher. Contact the Office of Admissions and Records for more information.

The names of future graduates will not be included in the commencement program. However, they will be included in the program for the commencement immediately following the completion of the credits required for graduation. Graduates who cannot attend the commencement in which they are formally recognized may request keepsake programs, while supplies last, from the Admissions and Records Office.

Graduation Under a Particular Catalog

Catalog degree plan requirements change as state regulators, transfer schools, and employers change their expectations.

  1. Most students follow the catalog in effect at the time of their first enrollment. They have five years to complete those requirements. Unless they have been continuously enrolled (see item 2), students who do not complete requirements by the fifth year after initial enrollment must follow a newer catalog (enrollment during the chosen catalog year is required).
  2. Continuously enrolled students may follow any catalog in effect since their first enrollment. Continuously enrolled means completion of at least two terms of enrollment per year, including at least one long term, earning at least 12 credit hours each of those years.
  3. Students who have not been enrolled in the last 5-9 years may apply for graduation under the catalog in effect at the time of their application for graduation.
  4. Students who have not been enrolled for more than nine years must use a current catalog and must successfully complete at least one new course in that catalog year.

Students planning to transfer need to review articulation agreements with their transfer institutions. Some schools specify fewer than five years for acceptance of transfer credit and may require that the students make no changes in their choice of major.

Changes made by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board supersede any completion timeline.  If a program of study is deleted from the College inventory, students must complete the program within three years of program deletion.  The Advising and Counseling department will provide assistance to students affected by discontinued programs.

Graduation with Honors

Students in associate degree programs may graduate from the College with honors if they complete, at Lee College, fifty percent or more of the coursework required by their degrees with an overall GPA of 3.5 or better. The following designations for honors graduates will be announced at the commencement ceremony: Summa Cum Laude - 3.86 to 4.00; Magna Cum Laude - 3.75 to 3.85; Cum Laude - 3.5 to 3.74.

Second Associate Degree

Students may receive a second associate degree upon successful completion of the requirements for the additional degree.

Graduation Requirements - Certificates

All students in technical programs are required to successfully complete a capstone experience to demonstrate their ability to transfer classroom knowledge to a job situation. This requirement must be completed prior to the award of an applied science degree or certificate.

Certificates require completion of the minimum semester hours of college credit required for the certificate with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.

At least fifty percent of the required semester hours of college credit must be earned at Lee College. Students who meet qualifications for graduation but do not apply will be awarded the credential upon successful completion of program requirements.